I added a blog to my site. Here's a picture of some smoke.
So now I have a blog on my site. I don’t really have any plans to post here regularly, but idk maybe that’ll change in the future.
That’s pretty much it for now.
diff --git a/404.html b/404.html index f42c7a8..308f899 100644 --- a/404.html +++ b/404.html @@ -1 +1 @@ -
The page or resource requested does not exist. Back to home
The page or resource requested does not exist. Back to home
I added a blog to my site. Here's a picture of some smoke.
I added a blog to my site. Here's a picture of some smoke.
I added a blog to my site. Here's a picture of some smoke.
I added a blog to my site. Here's a picture of some smoke.
I added a blog to my site. Here's a picture of some smoke.
So now I have a blog on my site. I don’t really have any plans to post here regularly, but idk maybe that’ll change in the future.
That’s pretty much it for now.
I added a blog to my site. Here's a picture of some smoke.
So now I have a blog on my site. I don’t really have any plans to post here regularly, but idk maybe that’ll change in the future.
That’s pretty much it for now.
I added a blog to my site. Here's a picture of some smoke.
I added a blog to my site. Here's a picture of some smoke.
I added a blog to my site. Here's a picture of some smoke.
I added a blog to my site. Here's a picture of some smoke.
I added a blog to my site. Here's a picture of some smoke.
I added a blog to my site. Here's a picture of some smoke.
I added a blog to my site. Here's a picture of some smoke.
I added a blog to my site. Here's a picture of some smoke.
had the house to myself to try out some outfits and makeup without any external pressure
this picture’s of my first time applying any makeup where despite thinking it all looked like shit individually, I think all the parts came together well
I’m wearing only lipstick, a little blush, and eyeliner. the foundation in the kit I was given wouldn’t stay on 🤷
Welcome! I’m (not) zoey, a trans woman* located in the Pacific Northwest.
There’s not much here, so here are some other places I’m at sometimes:
I also have accounts over at these places but haven’t posted much:
Welcome! I’m (not) zoey, a trans woman* located in the Pacific Northwest.
There’s not much here, so here are some other places I’m at sometimes:
I also have accounts over at these places but haven’t posted much:
that’s it.
that’s it.