**!!WARNING!! this may not function properly, it is untested in any version and should not be relied upon in future versions**
## `sass_styles`
list of sass/scss stylesheets in the site's `sass` directory to treat as root stylesheets and build.
## `cdn_url`
base url for the various cdn url transformation features of webdog.
## `code_theme`
the theme to use for code blocks. valid options: `base16-ocean.dark`, `base16-eighties.dark`, `base16-mocha.dark`, `base16-ocean.light`, `InspiredGitHub`, `Solarized (dark)`, and `Solarized (light)`
## `resources`
configuration information for your site's resource types. must be present, even if no resources have been added. see <ahref="resources">resources documentation</a> for more info.